Canon Professional Service Registration

To quote Frankie Jim of Canon UK "As part of our ongoing commitment to professional photography, Canon has launched "THE NEW CPS". You have been a valued member of CPS and we would like you to renew your membership to take advantage of all the benefits "THE NEW CPS" has to offer".

What they don't tell you is in the reminder letter the URL is not the one you need for registration and when you finally get there and confirm that you still own an extensive list of kit, you can't reregister as there's a warning triangle next to each bit of kit with a serial number. When I mouse-over the warning triangle all that happens is the cursor changes state to a question mark!

If you talk to the very nice people at Robert Scott Associates on 01869 331741, they then tell you that you need to re-enter the  serial number for every bit of kit previously registered with CPS - what a bloody waste of time.

Morning rant over, here's the URL I was given by Robert Scott Associates:

Good luck, you've got until the end of June to reregister.


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