Focus on Imaging 2010 - Part 2

I had to cut short my post on the show last Thursday so thought now would be a good time to continue. There was plenty to see and do at the show and with only a day at NEC I had to be selective where I visited.

Paramo Clothing was high on my list as sometime soon I'm going to need a new outdoor weatherproof outer jacket that doesn't make as much noise as my current Goretex jacket and also will benefit from more pockets. Fortunately Paramo make a wide range of outdoor gear including the highly specified Pájaro jacket.

There were any number of wedding album suppliers exhibiting, but my long-term favourite has to be G F Smith who have traded in the paper and board market for over a hundred years and the wedding album market for the last 20 years with their specialist Photo Mount Division. Over the last year GFS have invested heavily in new printing technology and can supply just about anything the social photographer would need from bespoke photo mounts for events, a stunning range of frames  and (to my mind) the best range of wedding albums in the business. And unlike the other player in the wedding album game, G F Smith have a dedicated sales team covering the whole of the UK, so you don't have to wait to see their products, they'll bring them to your studio or front room. Over the years I have photographed hundreds of weddings and G F Smith have proven to be the most reliable and helpful of all the wedding album suppliers I've used. Nothing is too much trouble for them.

And last, but not least Bogen Imaging, sorry Manfrotto Distribution. Again one of the biggest and most impressive stands at the show giving visitors an insight to the wide range of brands represented, namely Manfrotto, Gitzo, Kata, Litepanels and Visible Dust. I passed the stand numerous times during the day and each time it was buzzing with activity. I did endeavour to look at all the new products but sadly, time didn't permit.
