I know it's some time since my last post...

Phew! A let up of a few minutes in a hectic schedule. I'm pleased to say (or should that be sorry?) that something's gotta give, and in this case it's my blog. The last two and a bit weeks have seen my workload increase significantly, so I've neglected my blog instead of my clients.

Anyhow, Ben (a photographer friend & collegue) and I are working on a great project, Faces of Business, which we're pleased to say has taken-off beyond all expectations. Trying to combine this with everything else is proving to be a time and project management challenge - no, nightmare!

Here is a portrait from from Faces of Business using the Litepanels LP-Micro that I've blogged about previously.

Mike Quibell, MD, Quentin Press, Burgess Hill

This particular shot uses the LP-Micro as the primary & only light source. To say that we're pleased with the results is an understatement - no diffussion, no CTO just a plain old LP-Micro and what little ambient light there was.

To find out more about Faces of Business you can now visit the website www.facesofbusiness.co.uk let us know what you think. Or better still, volunteer yourself or someone you know to be included in the project.




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